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Sabtu, 25 September 2010

Mikrotik Traffic-Flow dengan CACTI

Implementasi ini di pake Mikrotik OS dengan Server monitoring yang udah dipasang CACTI. Server monitoring yang dipake bisa buat Linux atau terserah ente dh sukanya pake apa, yang penting CACTI bisa good running di system. Cara ini sebagai alternatif lain dari fungsi port-mirror yg biasanya ni terdapat pada switch-switch managable. (untuk pemanfaatan Port-mirror bisa dibahas di lain kesempatan D )Tujuannya :

* Menampilkan Traffic IP yang lewat di Mikrotik Router/Bridge ke dalam Grafik Cacti
* Masing-masing User bisa memonitor Traffic nya sendiri

Dan untuk melakukan projek ini, saya sudah menyiapkan :

* Mikrotik OS v.2.9.27 yg di pasang PC difungsikan sebagai Bridge (bisa bareng difungsikan sebgai BW management dg simple queue atau Queue Tree nya.)
* Server Monitoring yg sudah di install Linux Fedora 7
* Pmacct (Promiscuous mode IP Accounting package)
* Cacti (network graphing)
* Mysql server (database)
* Httpd server (webserver)

Server Monitoring

Install PC server nya dengan Linux Fedora 7, yang ini mah ga usah diajarin, udah pada bisa kan nginstall Linux Fedora 7. Keterlaluan kalo masih blom bisa mah…hiyaat dessigg..(tah belaian nenek lampir)…wekekeke. Inget ya Mysql, httpd harus sudah ikut terinstall beserta program2 dependency nya.



Install Cacti juga udah pada bisa kan ? D bagooooeessss… gampang banget koq ikuti aja tutorial dari official cacti nya nih di sini :


Ini juga gampang koq installnya, wekekeke ga ada yang susah sama saya mah.
Download di sini :
#wget http://www.pmacct.net/pmacct-0.11.4.tar.gz
#tar xzf pmacct-0.11.4.tar.gz
#cd pmacct-0.11.4
#make && make install

# ls -l /usr/local/sbin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 295652 2007-08-20 01:08 nfacctd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 291684 2007-08-20 01:08 pmacctd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 297236 2007-08-20 01:08 sfacctd

# ls -l /usr/local/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 26900 2007-08-20 01:07 pmacct
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 39032 2007-08-20 01:07 pmmyplay

Konfigurasi file nfacctd-hosts.conf

# cat /usr/local/etc/nfacctd-hosts.conf
! nfacctd configuration, accept from mikrotik traffic flow.
debug: false
daemonize: true
plugin_buffer_size: 2048
plugin_pipe_size: 2048000
networks_file: /usr/local/etc/hosts.def
nfacctd_port: 5055
! nfacctd_time_secs: true
! nfacctd_time_new: true
plugins: memory[in], memory[out]
aggregate[in]: dst_host
aggregate[out]: src_host
imt_path[in]: /tmp/in-host.pipe
imt_path[out]: /tmp/out-host.pipe

Konfigurasi File Definisi Host hosts.def

# cat /usr/local/etc/hosts.def

Menjalankan nfacctd

#/usr/local/sbin/nfacctd -f /usr/local/etc/nfacctd-hosts.conf

Check Proses nfacctd

# ps ax |grep nfacctd
24034 ? Ss 0:00 nfacctd: Core Process [default]
24035 ? S 0:00 nfacctd: IMT Plugin [in]
24036 ? S 0:00 nfacctd: IMT Plugin [out]


Informasi detilnya ada di sini :
yang katanya Mikrotik Traffic-Flow adalah sebuah system yang menyediakan informasi statistik mengenai paket-paket yang lewat melalui router. Nah kan cocok dengan projek kita kali ini. Mikrotik Traffic-Flow ini compatible dengan Cisco NetFlow nya, artinya PMACCT yang sudah kita pasang akan cocok juga dengan Mikrotik Traffic-Flow nya.

Setting Traffic-Flow di Mikrotik

[aa@MikroTik] > /ip traffic-flow set enabled=yes
[aa@MikroTik] > /ip traffic-flow print
enabled: yes
interfaces: all
cache-entries: 4k
active-flow-timeout: 30m
inactive-flow-timeout: 15s

Setting IP-address dan port yang menerima paket traffic-flow ke server monitoring

[aa@MikroTik] > /ip traffic-flow target add address=
[aa@MikroTik] > /ip traffic-flow target print
Flags: X – disabled
0 9

Nah mulai sekarang Server monitoring kita sudah menerima paket Traffic-Flow dari mikrotik, ga percaya ? coba check dengan ini :

Login ke Server monitoring,
Check Traffic Download :
# pmacct -s -p /tmp/in-host.pipe
DST_IP PACKETS BYTES 165 168572 14 8685 81 8919 4 176 13 831 1 147 160 80570 2 120

Check Traffic Upload :
# pmacct -s -p /tmp/out-host.pipe
SRC_IP PACKETS BYTES 12 720 31 9687 6 360 461 116975 119 27141 13 1519

Setting & Konfigurasi CACTI

Sekarang saatnya menampilkan Traffic yang di terima nfacctd ke Grafic Cacti, caranya sebagai berikut :

Dokumen aslinya ada di sini : http://www.pmacct.net/docs/cacti.html

Login pake admin ke cacti console, lakukan ini :

Data Input Methods, Add

* Name: Get pmacct data
* Input Type: Script/Command
* Input String: /usr/local/bin/pmacct -c -N -p -r

Setelah created. Klik di Get pmacct data, then go for Input Fields, Add:

* Field [input]: aggregation
* Friendly Name: Aggregation string (Required)
* Save it and leave untouched remaining fields

* Field [input]: adata
* Friendly Name: Actual Data (Required)
* Save it and leave untouched remaining fields

* Field [input]: pipe
* Friendly Name: Pipe file (Required)
* Save it and leave untouched remaining fields

Now, go for Output Fields, Add:

* Field [output]: bytes
* Friendly Name: Bytes Transferred
* Update RRD File: yes
* Save it

Now, Data Templates, Add:

* Data Templates, Name: pmacct Data Template
* Data Source, Name: check “Use Per-Data Source Value”
* Data Input Method: Get pmacct data
* Step: 300
* Data Source Active: yes
* Internal Data Source Name: bytes
* Data Source Type: ABSOLUTE
* Output Field: bytes – Bytes Transferred
* Save it

Once created, you will be able to see it in the list. Click over pmacct Data Template:

* Go to: Custom Data [data input: Get pmacct data]
* Check “Use Per-Data Source Value” for all fields
* Save it

Now, Graph Templates, Add:

* Name: pmacct Graph
* Title: check “Use Per-Graph Value”
* Image Format: PNG
* Auto Scale: yes
* Rigid Boundaries Mode: yes
* Vertical Label: bits/s
* Save it

Once created, you will be able to see it in the list. Click over pmacct Graph:
Add a new Graph Template Item:

* Data Source: pmacct Data Template – (bytes)
* Color: 00CF00
* Graph Item Type: AREA
* Consolidation Function: AVERAGE
* CDEF Function: Turn Bytes into Bits
* Text Format: Download
* Save it

Add a new Graph Template Item:

* Data Source: pmacct Data Template – (bytes)
* Color: None
* Graph Item Type: LEGEND
* CDEF Function: Turn Bytes into Bits
* Save it

Add a new Graph Template Item:

* Data Source: pmacct Data Template – (bytes)
* Color: 002A97
* Graph Item Type: STACK
* Consolidation Function: AVERAGE
* CDEF Function: Turn Bytes into Bits
* Text Format: Upload
* Save it

Add a new Graph Template Item:

* Data Source: pmacct Data Template – (bytes)
* Color: None
* Graph Item Type: LEGEND
* CDEF Function: Turn Bytes into Bits
* Save it

Add a new Graph Item Input:

* Name: Download [bits/s]
* Field Type: Data Source
* Associated Graph Items: check Item #1, #2, #3, #4
* Save it

Add a new Graph Item Input:

* Name: Upload [bits/s]
* Field Type: Data Source
* Associated Graph Items: check Item #5, #6, #7, #8
* Save it

Go to Data Sources. In this menu you will need to setup queries to pmacct for all local networks you need graphs. It’s very likely that you will iterate more times through the following steps. For brevity, I will show what i’ve done for my network. Add:

* Selected Data Template: pmacct Data Template
* Host: localhost
* Create it

* Name: pmacct: DL –
* Actual Data (Required):
* Aggregation string (Required): dst_host
* Pipe file (Required): /tmp/in-hosts.pipe
* Save it

Add, again:

* Selected Data Template: pmacct Data Template
* Host: localhost
* Create it

* Name: pmacct: UL –
* Actual Data (Required):
* Aggregation string (Required): src_host
* Pipe file (Required): /tmp/out-hosts.pipe
* Save it

Once you are finished with queries setup, go finally to Graphic Management. Here, pmacct queries will be bound to real graphics. This is because, it’s likely that you will need to iterate more times through this final step. Add:

* Selected Graph Template: pmacct Graph
* Host: localhost
* Create it

* Title: KLIEN IP
* Download [bits/s]: DL –
* Upload [bits/s]: UL –
* Save it

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